Textron Aviation In The News

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www.planeandpilotmag.com First Cessna SkyCourier Delivered to FedEx
First Cessna SkyCourier Delivered to FedEx
www.flightglobal.com Article published on www.flightglobal.com
Article published on www.flightglobal.com
skiesmag.com Textron announces order from flyExclusive for up to 30 Cessna Citation CJ3+ light jets - Skies Mag
Textron announces order from flyExclusive for up to 30 Cessna Citation CJ3+ light jets - Skies Mag
www.businesswire.com Textron Aviation announces order from flyExclusive for up to 30 Cessna Citation CJ3+ light jets
Textron Aviation announces order from flyExclusive for up to 30 Cessna Citation CJ3+ light jets
www.ainonline.com FlyExclusive To Purchase Up to 30 Citation CJ3+ Twinjets
FlyExclusive To Purchase Up to 30 Citation CJ3+ Twinjets
aviationweek.com Cessna SkyCourier Earns FAA Certification
Cessna SkyCourier Earns FAA Certification
www.aopa.org Iron Bird: SkyCourier's 'iron' testbed
Iron Bird: SkyCourier's 'iron' testbed
www.bizjournals.com Textron Inc. division Textron Aviation cleared to start Cessna SkyCourier deliveries to FedEx - W...
Textron Inc. division Textron Aviation cleared to start Cessna SkyCourier deliveries to FedEx - W...
www.aircargonews.net Textron Aviation's Cessna SkyCourier gains FAA approval - Air Cargo News
Textron Aviation's Cessna SkyCourier gains FAA approval - Air Cargo News
www.ch-aviation.com Brazil's Azul Conecta starts ramping up C208EX fleet
Brazil's Azul Conecta starts ramping up C208EX fleet
puremro.com Press Release: Textron Deliver Four New Cessna 172S Skyhawk flight trainer aircraft to the Philip...
Press Release: Textron Deliver Four New Cessna 172S Skyhawk flight trainer aircraft to the Philip...
www.ainonline.com Textron Aviation Rolls Out First Production SkyCourier
Textron Aviation Rolls Out First Production SkyCourier

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